Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Illuminating Grace”
Urban Queen Leader- Natalia Martins, Brazil
This Urban Queen commands attention with her quite grace, determination and her power to shine a light in others around her. Greatness is the only option for women who believe in themselves. Together we are always stronger.
"Illuminating Grace"
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Determined She Leads”
Urban Queen Leader – Amie Louie, Italy
This Urban Queen commands attention with her desire to lead wearing her crown in her heart connecting women, ideas and opportunities with power and strength.
“Determined She Leads”
Painting by Ramona Pintea –“I Love Your Shoes”
Urban Queen Leader – Donna Ashworth, Scotland
This Urban Queen painting commands attention with the powerful, symbolic messaging a pair of shoes presents to women. An unspoken language based in a mutual feeling, understanding and support.
"I Love You Shoes"
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Her Power Begins with Hers”
Urban Queen Leader – Ramona Pintea, Romania
This Urban Queen commands attention as it stands for the bold and powerful bond that is shared between mother and child. The eyes and souls are connected; your power begins with hers.
“Her Power Begins with Hers"
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Together We Are”
Urban Queen Leader – Jayshree Mallaya, South Africa
This Urban Queen commands attention with her empowering roots in self confidence, self love and self esteem understanding she is enough. “Together We Are” sisters of power and hope.
“Together We Are”
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “I Still Rise”
Urban Queen Leader – Susan Sloan, USA
This Urban Queen commands attention with her determined fiery spirit, resilience and power. She is a queen who clutches her power and cannot be silenced.
“I Still Rise”
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Bravely Rooted in Strength”
Urban Queen Leader – Sofia Bekatorou, Greece
This Urban Queen commands attention as she stands for bravery, strength, and solidarity with women around the world.
"Bravely Rooted in Strength"
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “Your Voice Will Find You”
Urban Queen Leader – Casey Donovan, Australia
This Urban Queen commands attention with big, bold and powerful colors, inspiring women to see the world through their own eyes, their own heart and their own truth.
“Your Voice Will Find You”
Painting by Ramona Pintea – “No Permission Needed”
Urban Queen Leader – Barbara Lizzet Sanchez, USA
This Urban Queen commands attention with her stance of power. She is beautiful, full of purpose, unapologetic and unafraid to be herself.
"No Permission Needed"
Inspire. Empower. Elevate.
A Global Campaign, By Women, For Women.
Inspired by Ramona’s Urban Queen Collection, the #WearYourCrown❤️ campaign has one aim: to empower women around the world!
The campaign is a global challenge for women to embrace their inner power and show the world how they “wear their crown”. All while raising money for amazing causes.
The #WearYourCrown❤️ campaign is represented on each continent by our 10 Urban Queen Leaders. These women come from diverse backgrounds and are visionaries in their fields of business, politics, arts, entertainment, non-profits and more. They are united in a singular mission to inspire, empower and elevate women all around the world.
Like our work? Work with us! Get started here.